
Being fattened up for a woman’s pleasure is definitely exciting....when I was intentionally gaining a while back....all of a sudden my wife started feeding us both way more fattening meals she prepared and giving me seconds and sometimes piling the rest on my plate before I was done with my second helping. She was definitely trying to make me even bigger. Although nothing was ever spoken about. It was kind of a don’t ask and don’t tell situation. She could clearly see I could t fit into any of my dress shirts, slacks or T shirts for that was pretty obscene and I would kind of throw it right in her XL t shirt that use to fit fine and loose in my middle Bowen the evening after a shower I would put it on before bed in front of her and my huge distended bloated gut would hang out below a good 4-6 inches standing up and I looked like I was 9 months pregnant.....and as I sat do n my huge gut would ball up and the bottom of the shirt would rise up above my navel leaving a good 10” of bloated flesh showing wife said nothing. When I hit new XXL shirts I was surprised that my gut still would squeez out the bottom still when I sat down. She said nothing still kept feeding me more and yea it was pretty arousing but I just don’t know what to do or get a this pace I was going to go past 300 lbs. Before she said something. I was really craving for her to tease me or scold me for getting so big......but I guess she was trying to get me bigger and didn’t want to bring anything up like d of like I do to her when she gains a bunch of maybe she doesn’t notice and if I don’t say anything she will just keep getting bigger.
6 years